How my music tastes have developed can be narrowed down into 3 tracks. These songs represent the types of music I listened to during the three stages of my life so far.
I first heard this song in year 3 which was a time where I only listened to music that played on the radio in my mum's car as well as the cd's she listened to. I hadn't developed my own music taste and knew nothing about music videos. This was the first music video I had ever seen and the first time I found YouTube. I loved the song as it was so popular and known at the time and all my friends used to sing and dance to it. The sexualising of Shakira's body and that of women in general had an impact on me, I remember thinking it was really mature and strange, I didn't really understand the lyrics either but still listened to it because it was catchy.
Early teens
Throughout secondary school I met friends who had different music tastes and spending time with them and going out to social events shaped and expanded my music tastes. I became interested in rock and indie genres as well as many others. One band which stands out is Arctic monkeys and R U Mine is one of my favourite songs.
This song represents my love of R&B and hip hop pop songs which I've always loved but only recently gotten back into. Chris Brown is one of my favorite hip hop artists at the moment and I particularly like this song because of its music video which features street fashion, beach dance scene and a fast paced editing style.
Myself as a current music consumer
How/where/when I consume music?
- Laying in bed - on my phone with earphones
- Travelling on transport such as the bus and tube - phone with earphones however if it is a car journey I use speakers
- While doing chores - Youtube on laptop or phone/speakers
- Social events e.g. parties/dinners/raves - speakers/DJ/PC
Who I consume music with?
I consume music mainly by myself because I have my own personal playlist I like to listen to on my phone however I do share my music with friends who have similar tastes in genre on public transport or on a car journey. It would likely be without my mum around because she doesn't like listening to trending mainstream music.
Why I listen to music?
- Mostly when I'm on transport I have a bit of thinking time so I like to sort out my thoughts or daydream while listening to music - it sets a nice mood for me personally and is a form of escapism.
- It's fun and nice getting ready to music before going out as it sets an upbeat/groovy atmosphere. It can be relaxing for early mornings or it livens up my afternoons and evenings
- I also listen to music for personal identity as some singers are role models to me whether in fashion or attitude and I like to watch their music videos for inspiration which sticks in my mind if I just listen to the song again.
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