Group 3 - Music Video

Group 3 - Digipak

Group 3 - Digipak
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Friday, 13 March 2015

R+P Post 13: Our shootboard

After the creation of our animatic we decided to make a shoot board. A shoot board is a collection of pages showing all the important details of each shot we will be shooting. We've decided to makes ours in the format of a table with eight columns. This will help us organise our day exactly the way we want it to go. Listing the props, camera directions and actions of each shot will help us know exactly what each shot requires and how it should be shot.

Here is the first page of our shootboard.

We timed our shots so we knew how long to spend on each one. However they were not in chronological order. Instead, we grouped them so we could finish filming all the shots in one setting before starting to film in another so that we broke less continuity rules. After filming we ticked each shot off and assessed whether it was a wrap or if any needed to be re-shot. The shoot-board proved vital to our efficient teamwork.

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