Group 3 - Music Video

Group 3 - Digipak

Group 3 - Digipak
Our Digipack, top left - back, top right - front, bottom left - inside panel, bottom right - inside panel (CD)
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Wednesday, 4 March 2015

R+P Post 11: Our storyboard

We've decided that after making a timeline the most logical and practical way to make our storyboard will be to draw our shots onto coloured post-it notes which we will then stick onto an A3 piece of sugar paper in chronological order. This seems to be the most efficient and flexible way to go about it. We can use different colour post-its to represent different types of shots and whatever shot we want to get rid of or change we can just take off the storyboard and replace with no hassle. It will show important details such as camera movements, framing, dialogue and transitions so that we can gain the most visually rich image of our narrative flow and make sure we do not break any continuity rules. We have decided to use blue post its for long shots, yellow for close-ups, pink for mid-shots and orange for title shots.

Here is the storyboard we made.

We all contributed to drawing and finalizing the order in which our shots would be in. Although the drawings were not very artistic, we still gained a complete understanding of the action that would take place. The storyboard will also help us greatly with the animatic we are planning to create later to see how all the shots would look put together in their sequence. We will be able to judge whether the length of time we've allocated to each shot is realistic or not and if our music track will suit the action that will be going on at various times. We will also be able to match the voice over script to the action.

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